Thursday, January 21, 2021

Scene Five


When entered the door, she saw an awe inspiring beach. A romantic chair and table for couple to enjoying the scenic ocean views. A wooden bridge to sit or dive into the green blue sea. There was a few couple around the beach. From far, she saw a prince seated alone on the bridge. She decided to talk to him. So she could have a companion here. She a little nervous seeing strangers here.


Princess: Hey there prince. Why are you alone? Can I sit with you?


Prince: Hey beautiful princess. sure have a sit. I am alone cause nobody with me right now.


Princess: Oh my god, you look familiar. Have we seen each other before.Whats your name?


Prince: Yes you look familiar. Maybe we are friends before. I m Anthony.Prince Anthony. Whats your name?


Avera: I m Avera. What a small world, we meet here. But how was it possible? Its likely a magic somehow.


Anthony: I am unsure. You seem lost here. I can guide you where ever you want. I got a lovely house if you want to visit later.


Avera: Yes indeeed. I am lost I was being transported here without my knowledge. I am not sure if i could be human again. Are you human too?


 Anthony: I m not human. I have been a prince here for long years. Waiting for nothing here. Travelling here and there for excitement. I dont think you could be human once you are here. This is a magical island. Nobody can exit here princess.

Avera: Oh no thats depressing. If you could guide me i be fine too. You look charming like one of a kind prince. I never meet someone like you before. Do you have a girlfriend like a princess to marry with?

Anthony: I am not alone here. I have some friends too. Still looking for my princess. I have been broken with my princess before. I am not sure i can find another one.

Avera: Oh no, thats sad. Dont worry I am here to cheer you up. I could be your best buddy too. I dont mind prince. I am trying to figure out how to live here. Its something new in this fantasy island. 

After talking to the prince, she felt some goosebumps. She somehow had a crush on this prince because of his charming looks but she not sure whether he was her real prince or not. They had just known each other a while.No definitions about the true feelings yet. She not sure whether he got the same crush feelings on her. Not sure what he was looking for in a girlfriend.She never felt being in love before. Could this be her love fantasy. Its very exciting though.

Both of them left the beach after. They went back to their home. Saying goodbye was their first meeting. Was it romantic for the initial time?

Next scene....

Scene Eleven

Scene : Eleven Location: Avera Villa Casts: Anthony.Avera.Ivor. Ever since that day after the heated arguments and confusion, Avera didnt me...