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Praise for My Perfect Waterfall

"I'm sure I've read something a bit like this before. I just can't work out where..."
- The Daily Tale
"This is too beautiful for words. 'Perfect like symmetry' - that's literary tin. I hope the person this poem is about feels as special as I would. I'm welling up here!"
- Hit the Spoof
"How can arms be like a long way? What utter twaddle! As for shortening 'daffodils' to 'daffies' - who would do such a thing?"
- Enid Kibbler
"An interesting twist on th old 'Roses are red' theme. The use of 'hazel', 'curly' and 'slender' makes this original in ways neither Shakepeare, Burns nor Victor Hugo could master."
- Zob Gloop

Scene Eleven

Scene : Eleven Location: Avera Villa Casts: Anthony.Avera.Ivor. Ever since that day after the heated arguments and confusion, Avera didnt me...