Thursday, January 21, 2021

Scene Two


She walking slowly to the antique shop.She was fascinated with the shop houses.Everything was lovely looking shop. She never been to such places before.She entered the shop and found many antique vistorian stuffs inside the shop. Selling lots of stuffs. Seated in a corner, a black hair bun lady reading a book. Maybe she could consult her about the antique bottle, she has found in her house.

Avera: Good evening madam.Can I ask you for help?

Astrologer: Certainly lady.I am here for assistance.What was the help about. my lady?

Avera: I have an antique bottle. Could you tell me more about this bottle? Was this bottle dangerous for myself and family?

Astrologer: Let me see and take a look. I would have to inspect it thoroughly.

Avera hand over the antique bottle to her. Astrologer took it and gently with care.

Astrologer: Mmmmm...this bottle is very familiar. I have somehow sold this bottle before.But the bottle no exists here , lady. I assume you have come to the right place about it. Dont be panic. Its just a healer bottle for someone in need. It wont cause you any harm later.

Avera: Can I use it or just decorate it? [laughing a little]

Astrologer smiled away while staring at the antique bottle.

Astrologer: You can use it anyway you wanted it. Drink it or wash your face with it but the consequences at your own risk. A little will change your life.She giggled away. I dont know how it could change you. It depends on your needs and humble minds. If the bottle loves you it coukd be some miracle too. My advice to you is leave it alone if you dont need it. I cant tell you more cause I am not sure about your mind, my lady.

Avera: Ok i got it. I am not in need of anything right now. I am just curious about this antique bottle , thats all.

Astrologer: Okay, thats all my advice to you. Anymore questions dear?

Avera: Thank you so much about the help. I might have to go leave now. Its getting dark outside. Have a nice day dear.

Astrologer: You too, awesome day..

Avera left the shop briskly. She just got the most imporatant information.She decided to leave the bottle on her desk. It wasnt much to do with it. She was lucky to talk to the friendly astorloger. At least, she knew some new things in this world. She entered her car and drove off from the place as hastily as possible.

Next scene---]

Scene Eleven

Scene : Eleven Location: Avera Villa Casts: Anthony.Avera.Ivor. Ever since that day after the heated arguments and confusion, Avera didnt me...